Saturday, December 29, 2018

Debit Card

Not a lot to see here. This was not a 'contactless' card. The panorama creation decided to lose a bit, but most of the die is there.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Casio fx-602p

This is the main chip inside a casio fx-602p calculator from the 1980s.

Unfortunately the ROM contents are not visible, I have to remove a layer to get at them. Other circuitry is visible though.
Pulsar Watch

This is the die from a Pulsar analogue quartz watch that I dismantled.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

MT25Q128 Serial SPI Flash

MT25Q128 Serial SPI Flash

This is a modern device, it's difficult to see much detail in it. Some damage to corner, I had to heat and ultrasonic clean several times to get a clean surface. There's still contaminant left in one area.

P1250461 - P1250565_blended_fused